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Peer-reviewed Journal & Conference Proceedings

  • Recent highlights

  1. Kim, Y., Jin, H., Kim, D., Ha, P., Park, M.K., Hwang, J., Lee, J., Woo, J.M., Choi, J., Lee, C. and Kwak, J.Y., 2023. Design of Synaptic Driving Circuit for TFT eFlash-Based Processing-In-Memory Hardware Using Hybrid Bonding. Electronics, 12(3), p.678.

  2. Namsun Chou, Hyogeun Shin, Kanghwan Kim, Uikyu Chae, Minsu Jang, Ui-Jin Jeong, Kyeong-Seob Hwang, Bumjun Yi, Seung Eun Lee, Jiwan Woo, Yakdol Cho, Changhyuk Lee, Bradley J. Baker, Soo-Jin Oh, Min-Ho Nam, Nakwon Choi, Il-Joo Cho, "A Multimodal Multi-Shank Fluorescence Neural Probe for Cell-Type-Specific Electrophysiology in Multiple Regions across a Neural Circuit", Advanced Science 2022, 9, 2103564.

  3. Taal, A.J., Lee, C., Choi, J. et al. Toward implantable devices for angle-sensitive, lens-less, multifluorescent, single-photon lifetime imaging in the brain using Fabry–Perot and absorptive color filters. Light Sci Appl 11, 24 (2022)

  4. Soyoung Park, Changhyuk Lee, "Design and Analysis of Angle-sensitive Pixels for Near-infrared Imaging", IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Oct, 2021 (accepted, oral lecture)

  5. Lee, Yijae*, Changhyuk Lee*, Eun Jin Wang, Dmytro Kotov, Hee Youn Kim, Jeong Ho Hwang, Ki Hoon Ahn, and Soo Hyun Lee. "Non-Invasive Ring Electrode With a Wireless Electrical Recording and Stimulating System for Monitoring Preterm Labor." IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE) 28, no. 12 (2020): 2627-2636.

  6. Moreaux, Laurent C., Dimitri Yatsenko, Wesley D. Sacher, Jaebin Choi, Changhyuk Lee, Nicole J. Kubat, R. James Cotton et al. "Integrated neurophotonics: toward dense volumetric interrogation of brain circuit activity—at depth and in real-time." Neuron 108, no. 1 (2020): 66-92

  7. U. Chae, H. Yu, C. Lee and I. Cho, "A Hybrid RF MEMS Switch Actuated by the Combination of Bidirectional Thermal Actuations and Electrostatic Holding," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT), vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 3461-3470, Aug. 2020

  8. Jaebin Choi, Adriaan J. Taal, William L. Meng, Eric H. Pollmann, John W. Stanton, Changhyuk Lee, Sajjad Moazeni, Laurent C. Moreaux, Michael L. Roukes, Kenneth L. Shepard. "Fully Integrated Time-Gated 3D Fluorescence Imager for Deep Neural Imaging," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 636-645, Aug. 2020

  9. ​C. Lee et al., "11.5 A 512-Pixel 3kHz-Frame-Rate Dual-Shank Lensless Filterless Single-Photon-Avalanche-Diode CMOS Neural Imaging Probe," 2019 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 198-200.

  10. ​J. Choi et al., "A 512-Pixel, 51-kHz-Frame-Rate, Dual-Shank, Lens-Less, Filter-Less Single-Photon Avalanche Diode CMOS Neural Imaging Probe," in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 2957-2968, Nov. 2019. (invited)


  • ​Pre-2018

  1. H. Kim, Y.D. Kim, C. Lee, S. Lee, D. Seo, S. Jerng, S. Chun, J. Hone, K. L. Shepard. A large-scale NEMS light-emitting array based on CVD graphene. Advances in Display Technologies VII 2017, 101260G.

  2. H Yüksel, D Yang, Z Boynton, C. Lee, T Tapen, A Molnar, A Apsel (2017). A wideband fully integrated software-defined transceiver for FDD and TDD operation. (JSSC) IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 52 (5), 1274-1285.

  3. C. Lee, B Johnson, T Jung, A Molnar (2016). A 72 × 60 Angle-Sensitive SPAD Imaging Array for Lens-less FLIM. (MDPI Sensors )16 (9), 1422.

  4. Dong Yang, Hazal Yüksel, Christopher Newman, Changhyuk Lee, Zachariah Boynton, Noman Paya, Miles Pedrone, Alyssa Apsel, Alyosha Molnar (2016). A fully integrated software-defined FDD transceiver tunable from 0.3-to-1.6 GHz. Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (Symp. RFIC), 2016 IEEE.

  5. S Sivaramakrishnan, C Lee, B Johnson, A Molnar (2016). A Polar Symmetric CMOS Image Sensor for Rotation Invariant Measurement. IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (5), 1190-1199.

  6. C Lee, W Chao, S Lee, J Hone, A Molnar, SH Hong (2015). A low-power edge detection image sensor based on parallel digital pulse computation. (TCAS-II) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 62 (11), 1043-1047.

  7. C Lee, B Johnson, A Molnar (2015). Angle sensitive single photon avalanche diode. Applied Physics Letters 106 (23), 231105.

  8. C Lee, B Johnson, A Molnar (2014). An on-chip 72× 60 angle-sensitive single photon image sensor array for lens-less time-resolved 3-D fluorescence lifetime imaging. (SOVC) VLSI Circuits Digest of Technical Papers, 2014 Symposium on, 1-2.

  9. V Vinogradov, J Ha, C Lee, A Molnar, SH Hong (2014). Dynamic ternary CAM for hardware search engine. Electronics Letters 50 (4), 256-258.

  10. B Johnson, C Lee, S Sivaramakrishnan, A Molnar (2013). A high-speed polar-symmetric imager for real-time calibration of rotational inertial sensors. SENSORS, 2013 IEEE, 1-4.

  11. C Lee, B Johnson, A Molnar (2013). A sub-threshold voltage ladder rectifier for orthogonal current-reuse neural amplifier. Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 2013 IEEE, 358-361.

  12. C Andrews, C Lee, A Molnar (2012). Effects of LO harmonics and overlap shunting on N-phase passive mixer based receivers. ESSCIRC (ESSCIRC), 2012 Proceedings of the, 117-120.

  13. PR Gill, C Lee, S Sivaramakrishnan, A Molnar (2012). Robustness of planar Fourier capture arrays to colour changes and lost pixels. Journal of Instrumentation 7 (01), C01061.

  14. PR Gill, C Lee, DG Lee, A Wang, A Molnar (2011). A microscale camera using direct Fourier-domain scene capture. Optics letters 36 (15), 2949-2951.

  15. C Lee, A Molnar (2011). Self-quenching, Forward-bias-reset for Single Photon Avalanche Detectors in 1.8 V, 0.18 µm process. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, 2217-2220.

Brain Science Institute
Korea institute of science and technology (KIST)
5 Hwarang-ro 14-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02792, South Korea

Copyright ©2021 by Neuro Integrated circuit Group. Brain Science Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology

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